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Caring for houseplants

Caring for houseplantsVitax Houseplants

After several years in the shadows, houseplants are back in the spotlight. More and more people are using then to bring life into homes and offices. Although some flowering plants, such as poinsettias, cyclamen and begonias usually only last for a few weeks or months, foliage house plants, orchids, cacti and bonsai are for the long term. Given the right treatment they can bring years of pleasure.

They are all undemanding and there is no need to kill them with kindness, but they do need water, light, moderate warmth and the right fertiliser to keep them in peak condition. Here are a few tips to help you succeed with your houseplants.

Foliage houseplantsfoliage houseplants

Foliage houseplants are mostly tropical evergreens. They like moderate warmth, constant temperatures and no cold draughts; so today’s homes and offices are ideal growing environments, providing the plants are positioned where they get adequate light. 

Having said that the foliage can be damaged by strong direct sunlight, anytime from mid spring through to autumn. During this time it may be necessary to relocate houseplants to a shadier spot.

The key to success is careful watering. More houseplants are killed by overwatering than any other cause. Allow the growing medium to become quite dry between waterings, especially in winter. If the pot feels light, then watering is probably necessary, if heavy maybe not. If a houseplant is standing in a decorative pot cover make sure the plant is not standing in water; this can be fatal.

The nutrients in the growing medium are soon exhausted by the growing plant and regular watering. So add Vitax House Plant liquid feed to the water once a month in winter and every time you water in summer. This contains the right balance of nutrients, as well as seaweed to stimulate growth. Feeding throughout the year is beneficial because the constant warmth in our homes keeps houseplants growing throughout the year.

Foliage houseplants are a great way to improve the air quality in your home or office. Many also help to absorb the toxins generated by furnishings.

Cacti and succulentsVitax Cacti

Cacti and succulents have great appeal, not only with children, but also with style conscious home owners. Their abstract shapes and ease of care add to their appeal.

As they store water in their leaves and stems and have the ability to survive on neglect there is a misconception that they do not need watering. However moderate watering is essential throughout the year, especially in the growing season from early spring.

As with foliage houseplants excess watering is to be avoided at all costs as this will cause death of the roots. Feeding with Vitax Cacti, a soluble low nitrogen, high potash feed every other time you water from early spring through to late autumn will keep your plants in peak condition. It will also help to encourage flower production in those varieties that bloom regularly.

Daylight is also essential. Site your cacti and succulents in full sun to keep growth strong and compact and encourage flowers.


Although other houseplants have been less popular in recent years, orchids have remained firm favourites. Phalaenopsis, the moth orchids dominate; they can flower almost continuously and suit our homes: if we are comfortable, so are they.

Given similar treatment to foliage houseplants they are easy to grow, requiring thorough watering about once a week, as long as they are allowed to drain completely afterwards. Orchids do not grow in the same houseplant compost as other indoor plants; they grow in a special orchid medium consisting of tiny chips of bark. This drains easily and never becomes waterlogged.

vitax orchidThese plants are naturally epiphytic, growing on the branches of trees or rocks, their aerial roots absorbing moisture from the air. They take their nutrients from spores in the air and decomposing leaves and vegetation around them. Requiring only “light” feeding they need a specific fertiliser and the soluble Vitax Orchid is ideal. Just add a tiny measure each time you water during the growing season to keep plants growing strongly and encourage more flowers.

As phalaenosis can grow throughout the year, in a warm, light environment you can feed all year round.


Bonsai grown as houseplants are mostly tropical or sub-tropical trees and shrubs such as ficus. These can be grown successfully in cool, light conditions indoors. They are usually grown in shallow containers containing little compost, so attention to watering is important. Drought can cause leaf drop. Also the atmosphere in the home can be very dry, so an occasional light misting with water is beneficial.

vitax bonsaiSome bonsai, including azaleas, conifers and Japanese maples are hardy or near hardy. They can be used as temporary decoration indoors but need to spend most of their lives in a sheltered situation outdoors or in a cold, shaded greenhouse. Regular watering is vital in the growing season, and good drainage especially important in winter.

Because these plants have little growing medium and need regular watering, feeding is important. However the right fertiliser must encourage strong stem and root growth, without encouraging excessive top growth. Vitax Bonsai soluble feed does exactly that.  The high level of potash helps to harden the growth too, making it more resistant to cold and drought.

Just add Vitax Bonsai to the water every couple of weeks from early spring to keep your bonsai in peak condition.

Andy McIndoe for Vitax


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